Sunday, February 3, 2019

ARC Review: We Told Six Lies by Victoria Scott

37638182Summary from Goodreads:

Remember how many lies we told, Molly? It’s enough to make my head spin. You were wild when I met you, and I was mad for you. But then something happened. And now you’re gone.

But don’t worry. I’ll find you. I just need to sift through the story of us to get to where you might be. I’ve got places to look, and a list of names.

The police have a list of names, too. See now? There’s another lie. There is only one person they’re really looking at, Molly.

And that’s yours truly.


I jumped into this upcoming thriller blind. I read it for the #buzzwordathon, where you had to read books with lie or lying in the title. I had an ARC copy of this on my kindle and just started to read. I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it. 

What I Liked:

Characters. The follows the point of views of the two main characters, Cobain and Molly. They both had distinct and interesting voices so it made it easier for the reader to switch between the characters. The side characters were okay as well but character development happened with the main ones solely in my opinion. 

Writing Style. It has been years since I picked up a novel by Victoria Scott and after this I will be picking up more from her in the future. I'm hoping that Scott decides to write more YA contemporary, and thrillers in the future.

Plot/End Twist. I was kept guessing about the main mystery throughout the novel and it was to put down the novel. I was right about some of the twits but did not see the big one coming at all. It was great end twist that I was not expecting. 

What I Disliked:

Pacing/Rushed. It only took me two sitting to finish this book. Which is good and bad, good because it was easy to read and bad because I felt like the plot happened way too quickly for me. I wanted more from it and the ended revel felt like it was rushed near the end. 

Content. I was not expecting some of the sexual content. I felt more like a New Adult novel than YA, which meant that it had too much for me. 

I recommend checking out this YA Thriller. It had a interesting plot with well-crafted characters. 


4 Stars Out of 5 Stars. 

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